Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3rd.

Happy New Year!

I've decided to start this blog for a myriad of reasons, but the primary one was weight loss. How original. But then I decided, especially after getting a little older, filling my computer screen with new information on crash diets, starving myself, drinking nothing but this and eating nothing but that wasn't fun for me anymore. I'm interested in living my life these days, plus or sans a few lbs, and gosh darn it, I'm going to do it.

I'm not disregarding the importance of eating healthy and exercising. Lord knows I've seen/felt/tasted the benefits of that. But this blog is moreso of a forum of information and discussion between the people who I have chosen to participate and any friends/cohorts they choose to invite to pipe in as well. Please do. Any advice, trial-and-error tactics, questions, concerns, etc. And maybe its not just about weight loss. Maybe we end up veering into a conversation topic about relationships, how to cook shrimp, the best type of gum to chew... whatever. Follow the blog and see what unveils.

Welcome to 2012!


  1. Here's to reaching our goals this year!

    To help I would suggest everyone take a look at http://www.sparkpeople.com It is healthy lifestyle website with a multitude of trackers for helping you on your weight loss/ healthy living journey. Tools like Nutrition Tracker, Workout Tracker, Menu Planner, Recipes, Motivational Groups, and more.

    Have a look and Enjoy! Add me as a SparkFriend: http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage.asp?id=pandorina

  2. Hi All,

    This is actually the first blog I have ever read or participated in. My part in these posts will center around wanting to lose weight but not lose my milk. I am a breastfeeding mother, and typically when you take down your caloric intake and workout...your milk supply decreases. My plan is to do some workouts via my children's Wii (via Biggest Loser and Just Dance games). I am already down to my pre-pregnancy weight in only 6 weeks but I am still a big girl. I will also like to contribute recipes; because, I am an EXCELLENT cook.
